Saturday, May 2, 2009

What a Bad Workout Feels Like

Well, that sucked. I had planned on running 5 miles at 8:30 pace at the gym. Very doable. Except I didn't.
I was late getting to the gym for various reasons, and thus didn't have time to really go 5 unless I did it at 8 minute pace. Then, I had forgotten my water bottle.
My pace was hard, and my heart race was racing. I was sweating like crazy. My Garmy stopped. (My Garmin 405 has this tendency to shut off when it gets wet; the bezel just gets unresponsive and it decides to stop working. A serious issue for me because of my sweating.) My music didn't lift me; it annoyed me. And I felt like crap. I ran 4.5 miles in 39:40, and ran out of time. Good thing it wasn't a true training run.
Looking back, I had a bad night's sleep. I didn't eat much during the day and missed my mid-afternoon snack. I didn't feel well going to the gym and don't feel good leaving.
Oh well, its Friday, and the beer is still just as cold.

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